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Coaching Harald Futschig

Holistic Life Consulting


You need a holistic approach from a single source
and not from 4 different consultants & therapists?  
Go and get it! 

Unique holistic approach based on cognitive techniques, spiritual medicine, energy medicine,, shamanic wisdom and somatic impulses on a physical level. In over 20 years Harald P. Futschig has developed a highly effective and very efficient approach that is individually tailored to the needs of the client.


Harald deals with his clients mainly in German language.


Harald is a seasoned and trustful consultant looking behind the facts & analysing the hidden psychological and energetic structures and patterns. With this unique competence, Harald P. Futschig supports successful people by generating surprising strategies & decisions in order to create mastership & excellence.


Naming repeating patterns in different areas of life within a short period of time & deciphering the source of them - that is the effective and efficient method that Harald Futschig has developed from his broad wealth of experience over the last 20 years.

The ingredients are a unique combination of his sharp mind, quick comprehension and versatile, holistic healing methods.


In holistic life navigation, recurring experiences, behaviors and patterns are identified and the underlying resonances are brought into focus. In this expanded awareness, experiences can be processed and the resonances can be changed. Action is free again and the clients are masters of themselves.


"The first relationship we have is with ourselves."


As a navigator, Harald Peter Futschig accompanies couples through life. With his unique, holistic method, it is never about mistakes or guilt, but rather about a loving, non-judgmental encounter between partners on an equal level. Formative, first relationship experiences in the family of origin with mother, father and siblings are examined. Current relationships are often viewed from this perceptual lens. A couple finds each other based, among other things, on these matching resonances and experiences.

In counseling, this subjective perspective is expanded by identifying patterns and beliefs.

New perspectives open up.

This allows the client to come closer to themselves. And therefore also closer to your partner.

If the partner is not yet ready for consultation, Harald Peter Futschig can also start alone with the client. This also sets in motion important impulses that strengthen relationship skills.

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